Musculoskeletal Health Checks in UK

Musculoskeletal disorders impact the limbs, joints and back, and are the leading cause of working days lost in the UK. There are a variety of work-related musculoskeletal issues that employers need to take action against, and here at Healthier Workforce, we offer professional risk management and assessments to assist with this process. You can rely on our nationwide network of experienced practitioners to carry out expert employee occupational health checks, and reduce the risks of musculoskeletal problems in your workplace.

Our musculoskeletal assessments ensure employees are safe to carry out their role, and also determine whether the available equipment will support safe working practices. Employees may develop musculoskeletal problems from working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE), exposure to body vibration, or from hazardous manual handling tasks. According to health and safety regulations, the employer must protect their employees from each of these risks.